

LPBF – Laser Powder Bed Fusion

Laser Powder Bed Fusion technology is an Additive Manufacturing technique for the production of parts with a complex geometry, being especially appropriate for structural applications in the aeronautical and automotive industries.

But how does it work?

1. Powder supply

Powder supply using cartridges

2. Coating

Coated powder deposition

3. Fusion

Powder fusion process through laser

4. Leveling

Lower the building platform and repeat steps 1-4 until the height of the components is reached

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The Metal 3D Printing process chain

1. Data preparation
  • CAD Modeling: No component without a design model. For you, this means you have to design the component in advance with 3D-optimized CAD software.
  • STL Export: Once the design is finished, export your model.
2. Data Preparation
  • Generate supports:
  • Most components require additional supports, for example for overlaps or certain angles. See also support configuration options in our MPREP software.
  • Parameter selection:
  • To ensure optimal printability of components, we have developed material-specific parameter sets. Settings such as scanning speed, laser power or track distance are adjusted to the properties of the print material to allow perfect interaction between powder and laser.
  • Simulation
  • Cut and Preview
3. Preparing the Print
  • Insert powder supply cartridges
  • Insert building module
  • (insert overflow cartridge)
  • Load print job
4. LPBF Process
  • Powder supply
  • Powder supply using powder cartridges
  • Coating
  • Powder deposition by the coater
  • Fusion
  • Powder fusion process through laser
  • Lowering
  • Lower the building platform and repeat steps 1-4 until component height is reached
5. Unpacking Process
  • Remove the building module from MPRINT+ and insert it into MPURE
  • Remove dust with gloves
  • Dust removal from gaps between spaces and support structures
6. Component and building platform separation
  • Band saw separation or spark erosion
7. Post-processing of the part
  • Removal of supports
  • Beams
  • Surface treatment

Printers and Materials